Sunday 2 November 2014


Dolma is a family of stuffed vegetable dishes common in the Middle East and surrounding regions including the Balkans, the Caucasus, Russia, Central Asia, as well as Cyprus, and mostly in Kurdistan. Common vegetables to stuff include tomato, pepper, onion, zucchini, eggplant, and garlic. The stuffing may or may not include meat. Meat dolma's are generally served warm, often with egg-lemon or garlic yogurt sauce; meatless ones are generally served cold.
Dishes of grape or cabbage leaves wrapped around a filling are also called dolma or yaprak dolma 'leaf dolma' in many cuisines, Kurdish loves dolma…because it is the most common food in Kurdistan…. 

Kurdish Table

kurdish table desgin
Kurdish Table had been always known for it taste and it desgin, Kurdish people recpect their tradional by desgining the table, the reprsent recpect for their guest's.....